Friday 2 October 2015

7 Daily Exercise for PHOTOGRAPHERS

7. Post a single image every day

Rather that shooting in a sporadic fashion and positing images to Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram or any other social networking or image sharing site as and when you feel like it, try committing to shooting at least one image and posting only one shot every day.
This will encourage your powers of creativity, helping you to find novel subjects and explore new areas or genres of photography.
It will also mean that you have to critically assess each image to identify the best shot from that day to post.
Wherever you post your image, make it known what you are doing as this will underline your commitment.

It’s also often a good idea to request constructive criticism to help you see your shots from another viewpoint and improve as a photographer.
NPhoto Magazine

PhotoPlus Magazie

To Be Continued....

Thursday 1 October 2015

7 Daily Exercise for PHOTOGRAPHERS

6. Use manual exposure mode

Although aperture and shutter priority exposure modes are very useful, they leave the decision about how bright or dark the image will appear to the camera.Manual exposure mode puts you in charge and it forces you to think about the brightness of a subject and its surroundings. It also means that you have to consider both depth of field and freezing or blurring movement.It can be helpful to combine this exercise with using spot metering as it will enable you set select exposure settings that work for a specific part of the scene.
Manual Mode

To Be Continued....